
【e01】Next-generation mineral water based on the famous waters of the Alps. 500ml x24【postage included】

¥7,980 税込


・e01 is a next-generation mineral water based on spring water from the Togakushi mountain range in the Northern Alps of Nagano Prefecture.
- Gentle on the throat and quickly absorbed.
・Support for improving endurance and performance during sports
・Support for early recovery from fatigue
・Support for maintaining health
・Support for fatigue recovery
・Early recovery support when you are unwell
・Reducing hangover

■For food and drinks
・The taste of tea and coffee becomes mellow and becomes a higher level.
- Prolongs the freshness of vegetables and fruits.
・It improves the gloss and taste of rice.
・Since it is neutral, it will not affect the taste of the food.
・As it is soft water, it is mellow and goes well with any kind of cooking.

■Proven in clinical trials
・Reduction of oxidative stress
・Improvement of antioxidant power
Oxidative stress causes aging and disease.
Antioxidant power is the ability to protect the body from active oxygen.

■Why electronic?
- Phenomena of aging and food spoilage occur when electrons are lost. Drinking electron-rich water is an easy way to fight aging and decay.
・Hot springs and spring water also contain a lot of electrons.
Deep underground, rocks collide under high pressure and emit electrons. The groundwater that flows through it is rich in electrons and has contributed to people's health since ancient times as spring water and hot springs.
・e01 is a powerful mineral water that has been enriched with electrons using natural methods and is based on spring water from the Togakushi mountain range in the Northern Alps of Nagano Prefecture.


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¥7,980 税込

